Curious and Confusing: 14 British Hobbies That Puzzle Visitors

In the British Isles, where eccentricity thrives and the unconventional reigns supreme, unique hobbies abound that might leave outsiders bewildered. Yet, amidst lush green landscapes and age-old pubs, these peculiar pastimes are deeply rooted in history and local heritage. Join us on a journey through 14 wonderfully weird British hobbies, each more delightfully eccentric than … Read more

15 Brutal Truths About British Social Class

The British class system, often wrapped in the fabric of tradition and heritage, carries with it a set of uncomfortable truths that continue to shape society today. Have you ever wondered how deep these divisions run today? 1. Education Disparity Top-tier universities and public schools often remain the domain of the upper classes, perpetuating a … Read more