Generation Clash: 21 Reasons Millennials Are Frustrated With Boomers

Hey Millennials, ever feel like you’re living in a game where the rules were made just to make you lose? You’re not alone. Sandwiched between generations, you find yourselves scrutinizing the legacy left by Boomers. It’s a world where economic, environmental, and social paradigms have shifted, leaving many to navigate a landscape they weren’t fully … Read more

21 Benefits Boomers Enjoyed That Millennials Missed Out On

In the endless generational debate, it’s often argued that Baby Boomers had a smoother path in many aspects of life compared to Millennials. From economic stability to technological advancements, the differences in challenges faced by these two generations are stark and significant. Here are 21 ways Boomers had it easier than Millennials: 1. Housing Affordability … Read more

21 Reasons Millennials Resent Baby Boomers Legacy

Hey Millennials, ever feel like you’re living in a game where the rules were made just to make you lose? You’re not alone. Sandwiched between generations, you find yourselves scrutinizing the legacy left by Boomers. It’s a world where economic, environmental, and social paradigms have shifted, leaving many to navigate a landscape they weren’t fully … Read more

Boomers’ Benefits: 21 Perks Missed by Millennials

In the generational debate, it’s often said Baby Boomers had a smoother path than Millennials. From economic stability to technological advancements, the challenges faced by these generations differ greatly. Here are 21 ways Boomers had it easier than Millennials: 1. Housing Affordability Housing Affordability: Boomers could buy homes with a fraction of their annual income, … Read more

ADHD Awareness: 21 Red Flags to Notice in Your Child

Recognizing ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) in children requires observing different signs and symptoms that might indicate the disorder. ADHD can impact a child’s performance at school, their interactions with others, and their conduct at home. It’s crucial to understand that many children may display some of these behaviours at different stages of their growth, but it … Read more