Youth Fallout: 21 Negative Effects of Brexit on Young Brits

Brexit has reshaped the United Kingdom’s landscape in countless ways, many of which directly impact the younger generation. Here are 21 ways Brexit has made things tougher for Britain’s youth, from education and employment to travel and living standards.

1. Erasmus Program Restrictions

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Brexit has limited access to the Erasmus program, which provided opportunities for UK students to study in Europe, enriching their educational and cultural experiences.

2. Job Market Contraction

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With companies relocating headquarters or downsizing due to uncertainty, job opportunities, particularly in international firms, have dwindled.

3. Increased Tuition Fees Abroad

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Studying in the EU now often comes with higher tuition fees for British students, making higher education less accessible and more expensive.

4. Loss of Freedom of Movement

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The end of free movement within the EU restricts young Brits’ ability to live, work, and travel freely across 27 countries.

5. Weakened Pound

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The weakening of the pound post-Brexit has increased the cost of living and traveling abroad, hitting young travelers and students hard.

6. Housing Market Impact

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Economic uncertainty and fluctuating interest rates have affected the housing market, making it harder for young people to buy their first home.

7. Reduced Consumer Rights

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Leaving the EU has led to changes in consumer rights, affecting online purchases and the ease of resolving issues with EU-based companies.

8. Cultural Isolation

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Reduced exposure to diverse cultures due to fewer EU citizens moving to the UK may lead to a more insular perspective among the youth.

9. Impact on Creative Industries

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Brexit has created barriers to collaboration and distribution in creative fields like music, film, and art, traditionally areas where youth culture thrives.

10. Decreased Research Funding

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UK researchers have found it harder to access European grants and participate in collaborative projects, limiting opportunities for young scientists.

11. Complicated Travel

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New visa requirements and travel rules have complicated what was once hassle-free travel to EU countries.

12. Increased Health Insurance Costs

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Travelling in Europe now potentially comes with higher health insurance costs since the EHIC benefits are no longer assured.

13. Limited Work Opportunities Abroad

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Working holidays and short-term contracts in the EU are more complicated to arrange, requiring more paperwork and possibly visas.

14. Uncertainty Over Rights

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Melinda Nagy

Ongoing uncertainty over the status of UK citizens living in the EU and vice versa creates instability and anxiety.

15. Impact on Sports and Athletics

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Athletes and sports professionals face difficulties in training and competing across Europe due to new regulations and barriers.

16. Diminished Social Programs

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Fabio Principe

Loss of EU funding for local community projects and social programs can disproportionately affect younger populations in disadvantaged areas.

17. Environmental Setbacks

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Exiting EU environmental agreements potentially stalls progress on climate initiatives, an issue critically important to younger generations.

18. Legal and Security Cooperation Gaps

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

Reduced cooperation in legal and security matters with EU countries can affect everything from data protection to crime prevention, impacting young people’s lives and safety.

19. Reduced Influence in Europe

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Young people have less of a voice in European affairs, losing the ability to influence policies that affect their future on a continental scale.

20. Stress and Mental Health Impact

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The uncertainty and division caused by Brexit have had a tangible impact on young people’s mental health and well-being.

21. Weakened Youth Advocacy

Image Credit: Shutterstock / John Gomez

EU mechanisms that supported youth advocacy and rights initiatives are no longer as accessible, reducing opportunities for engagement and support.

The Bottom Line

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Travers Lewis

For Britain’s youth, Brexit has represented a series of missed opportunities and increased barriers in almost every aspect of life. As the UK continues to navigate its post-Brexit reality, the full impact on its younger generations is yet to be fully realized. It’s a challenging new era with hurdles to overcome, and the creativity and resilience of Britain’s youth will be critical in shaping the future.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / polya_olya.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

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