Top 20 Locations to Witness Glowing Bioluminescence

Bioluminescence: nature’s version of a glow stick party, except way cooler and less likely to end up in landfills. If you’ve ever wanted to paddle through stars, swim with glowing dolphins, or simply stand on the shore shouting, “I can’t believe it’s not Photoshop!”—these destinations are for you. Granted, some might require you to sell a kidney or become a stowaway to reach, but a little glimpse into the bucket list never hurt anyone, right?

1. Mosquito Bay, Puerto Rico

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tharuka Photographer

So bright, you might forget the night sky above. Just remember, it’s named Mosquito Bay for a reason—bring repellent or become the main course.

2. Toyama Bay, Japan

Image Credit: Shutterstock / crossoverjapan

Home to the glowing firefly squid, which sounds like a Pokémon but is actually way cooler. Good luck trying to catch one, though.

3. Vaadhoo Island, Maldives

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tharuka Photographer

The “Sea of Stars,” where the waves and the sky compete to see who can twinkle more. Spoiler: it’s a tie.

4. Tomales Bay, California, USA

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tupungato

Who knew California’s coast had its own light show? Probably just the kayakers who’ve already discovered this secret spot and the seals that won’t stop photobombing.

5. Luminous Lagoon, Jamaica

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Nzuri Photography

Swim here, and you’ll glow brighter than your future. Just kidding, your future is very bright, especially if it includes a trip to Jamaica.

6. Halong Bay, Vietnam

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Hien Phung Thu

It’s like Avatar, but without the tall blue people. Kayaking through glowing waters with limestone mountains above? Sign me up.

7. Bioluminescent Bay, Bahamas

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Bogdan Dyiakonovych

Yes, another bay, but this one’s in the Bahamas, so you know it’s extra. Plus, glowing water that’s warmer than your shower.

8. Manasquan Beach, New Jersey, USA

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Stephen Bonk

Who said you had to leave the country for magical experiences? Just head to Jersey and dodge the syringes. (Too dark? Maybe, but the glow will light the way.)

9. Gippsland Lakes, Australia

Image Credit: Shutterstock / murbansky

After wildfires, the lakes decided to put on a light show to cheer everyone up. Nature’s resilience at its finest—and glowiest.

10. Mission Bay, San Diego, USA

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dancestrokes

Perfect for those who thought Comic-Con was the brightest thing in San Diego. Surprise! It’s actually plankton.

11. Waitomo Glowworm Caves, New Zealand

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Susana Luzir

Not exactly “waters,” but when glowworms turn a cave into a starry night, who cares about semantics? Plus, you get to say you’ve seen worms pretty enough to feature on a postcard.

12. Reethi Beach, Maldives

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Shen max

Yes, the Maldives again, because apparently, paradise also needed bioluminescence to really seal the deal on being everyone’s dream vacation.

13. Torrey Pines, California, USA

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Marina Ivanova

Want to impress a date? Forget dinner. A nighttime surf among the glowing waves here screams “I’m adventurous and possibly part mermaid.”

14. Blue Grotto, Malta

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jaroslav Moravcik

It’s like the Blue Man Group decided to take up residence underwater. A cave where sunlight and bioluminescence collide for your viewing pleasure.

15. Dinoflagellate Bioluminescence in Titusville, Florida, USA

Image Credit: Shutterstock / YES Market Media

Titusville: come for the Kennedy Space Center, stay because the water glows in the dark and it’s too cool to leave.

16. Indian River Lagoon, Florida, USA

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Noah Densmore

Yes, more glowing stuff in Florida, proving the state is more than just alligators and Florida Man headlines.

17. Glass Beach, California, USA

Image Credit: Shutterstock / IrinaK

By day, a testament to recycling gone right; by night, a bioluminescent wonder. It’s like Mother Nature’s version of a glow-up.

18. Saltstraumen, Norway

Image Credit: Shutterstock / everst

A maelstrom that glows. It’s as if Thor himself decided to throw a rave. Good luck getting there, though; you might need a Viking ship.

19. Sam Mun Tsai, Hong Kong

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Mei Yi

Fishing village by day, glowing alien landscape by night. Just another reason why Hong Kong is on every traveler’s list (or should be).

20. Kiel Canal, Germany

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Siegi

Who knew Germany had its own bioluminescent hot spot? It’s like Oktoberfest, but for your eyes and without the hangover.

Glow Up 

Image Credit: Shutterstock / P.Fabian

So there you have it, 20 places where you can witness Earth showing off its natural neon. Some are a backyard adventure away, while others might require a bit more than a piggy bank raid to visit. Until then, keep dreaming of swimming in starlight — just maybe start with New Jersey.

The post Top 20 Locations to Witness Glowing Bioluminescence first appeared on LoveLists.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / RugliG.

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